I upgraded to 18.04 from 17.10. I thought that I was doing a good thing, but discovered that the working samba in 17.10 now fails on 18.04. Tried many things and read many possible solutions. But so far I have yet to resolve the issue.
Unless I find a true fix, I must settle with re-installing 17.10 to restore samba share access from Windows.
Is there any real fix for this issue?
This latest version was supposed to fix the performance issue with samba. But alas, it has broken it entirely.
Any ideas to fix this please?
windows Version pre & post Ubuntu Upgrade= Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.48]
Contents of smb.conf
workgroup = pedhome
server string = Samba Server %v
netbios name = ubuntu1710
security = share
map to guest = bad user
name resolve order = bcast host
dns proxy = no
bind interfaces only = yes
usershare owner only = false
encrypt passwords = no
guest ok = yes
path = /media/Volume1
writeable = yes
browseable = yes
guest ok = yes
path = /home/robert/Pictures
writeable = yes
browseable = yes
guest ok = yes
, and also please indicate Windows version.