So after much googling, I got the solution. It was very simple to fix that issue. It is about nomodeset
When the USB/CD boots press E on grub menu it will lead to edit the grub.
Find the line which ends with quiet splash
and add nomodeset
in front of it. So it becomes nomodeset quiet splash
. Whatever is there in front of it leave it as it is just add nomodeset
in front of quiet splash
Now press Ctrl+X to boot it normally. It will lead you to Try Ubuntu Without installing option. Now from here too you can install Ubuntu. As install Ubuntu option is always there in the live session. Now after installing Ubuntu we need to change nomodeset
thing permanently so that we don't have to do it again.
After successfully installing the system will reboot. Press shift
button for 5 seconds to get the grub menu after the system starts. If it does not work then try the same with Esc. The most important thing is that it is all about timing.
Now again repeat step 2 so that we can login in the system.
Now open a terminal and type sudo nano /etc/default/grub
it will be having contents similar to this.
GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`
Find the line having quiet splash
and add nomodeset
in front of it.
Now save it with Ctrl+O and exit it with Ctrl+X. In order to update grub menu enter:
sudo update-grub
Source and credits
Update and Edit 1
After the above, I was able to boot and install Ubuntu 18.04. I was not able to control screen brightness after installing and setting grub setting as nomodeset
so after searching on StackOverflow further I came across this question and I also got to know that nomodeset
is a temporary fix. I updated my kernel and after this, I changed grub
setting as it was earlier, i. e. removing nomodeset
in /etc/default/grub
and updated grub
. Now it's working awesome.
Try Display brightness cannot be adjusted 18.04 if you face issues such as unable to control screen brightness.