I have a STL file in my c drive "Window", and I was trying to copy that file to the Ubuntu, however it shown error message, what should I do?

enter image description here

  • I recommend access the file from Ubuntu instead of starting from Windows and copy to Ubuntu. From there you can cp the file.
    – An0n
    Apr 1, 2018 at 20:38
  • Please add screenshot to the question instead of as a link. Are you triSurface folder exist? Are you sure you want it there? Probably you want personal files on your home folder. Apr 1, 2018 at 20:41
  • @ Marco. dont use /TriSurface but use TriSurface/rest/of/the/path instead. That should solve your problem.
    – An0n
    Apr 1, 2018 at 20:43
  • On my drive I setup a separate 9 GB NTFS partition for files to be indirectly shared between Ubuntu (/mnt/e) and Windows 10 WSL (drive letter E:). I did this after exhausting all other methods of direct file sharing. This is something all dual-boot users might want to consider. Apr 1, 2018 at 21:03

2 Answers 2


First, please do not copy text as pictures.

Second, you're attempting to copy the file to /triSurface, which is probably not a directory that exists, nor should it exist.

Your users files are typically in /home/username/, often abbreviated ~.

You probably want to copy the file to ~/triSurface/, not /triSurface. If ~/triSurface does not exist, you can create the directory with mkdir ~/triSurface.

In general only root is able to modify files outside of /tmp and your home directory. /tmp is, as name indicates, used only for temporary files, and not intended for persistent storage.

  • 1
    As i see his screenshot he is copying to his homefolder. He only got the path wrong.
    – An0n
    Apr 1, 2018 at 20:42

Use :

cp /mnt/c/Users/leewp/Desktop/cylinder3.stl triSurface/

Because you are already on the path. And the triSurface already excist. Except if you really want to make /triSurface. Which i would not recommend.

  • Full PATH of the file would then be : "/home/marcolwp/OpenFOAM/marcolwp-5.0/run/mySim/EstaMesh/constant/triSurface/cylinder3.stl"
    – An0n
    Apr 1, 2018 at 20:48

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