There is pyNeighborhood which is a gui for mounting samba shares and available in the software centre for download.
There is a good article located here on how to set it up and use it.
First install cifs utils
sudo apt-get install cifs-utils
Alternatively, the basic terminal command is :
mount -t cifs -o username=USERNAME,password=PASSWD // /mnt/share
If you'd like to see your mount in Nautilus it would be good to create a subfolder first in /media/USERNAME/ for example:
mkdir /media/paul/cifsShare
also, password could ommited in the mount command for example (will also demonstrate file/folder modes):
sudo mount -t cifs //nas-server/cifsShare /media/paul/cifsShare -o username=paulOnNAS,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,soft,user,noperm
in this case you'll be asked for the password (actually for 2 passwords) on the mounting moment.
Have a read through the Samba documentation here on how to do it and set it up correctly to mount on start up etc.