I am new to Ubuntu, and i recently learn about ribbon interface on libreoffice so i make a try on it but somehow, the interface indeed change into ribbon, but some of the menu is cut.. and the themes change to dark themes for no reason which really hard to see it.. dark theme and cut menu

i am on libreoffice and Ubuntu 17.10 any solution for it? thanks in advance

  • I think there is no solution based on the latest version, so I think you will make do with the current state! Jan 8, 2018 at 17:01
  • Quite sad to learn there is no solution..
    – Adi Yono
    Jan 9, 2018 at 5:08

1 Answer 1


If what you're searching for is how to restore your LibreOffice to its original look with the old Toolbar layout, then follow this steps:

  1. Click on the upper left icon of LibreOffice. enter image description here

  2. A menu will appear, choose the option "Menubar". enter image description here

  3. With this you can enable the old menu enter image description here

  4. Go to View --> Toolbar Layout --> Default enter image description here

  5. After choosing that option, you will recover your old LibreOffice. enter image description here

  6. Finally, you can press ALT+F12, this will open the "Options" menu, where you can disable the "experimental features". enter image description here

  7. And reboot.

    enter image description here

NOTE: If you're using Groupedbar Full Ribbon Layout, see the image below, it's easier, just move to the left the LibreOffice Window and expand it, then you will see the other buttons:

enter image description here

Hope this helps, good luck!

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