How to block the renaming of a Particular Folder by Ubuntu Users ?

  • 1
    You need to change the permission of the parent folder of that folder.
    – hunch
    Dec 6, 2017 at 12:36
  • This question is vague. An example of the problem would provide you more useful answers. Is the renaming malicious? Is it a system folder (like /proc)? Is it a temporary directory Is it shared using NFS or Samba of FTP?
    – user535733
    Dec 6, 2017 at 13:03

1 Answer 1


You have to set the ownership and permissions of the parent directory (in particular the write flag) only to the user/group which shall be able to change it.

Renaming in the end means writing to the folder which contains the file/folder.

Step 1 - ownership

sudo chown <USERNAME>:<GROUPNAME> </path/to/parent_folder>
  • This makes the file or folder be owned by the user <USER> (for blocking all normal users from the change this could be e.g. root).

  • The :<GROUPNAME> is optional and sets the group to for that file or folder.

If you don't need a special group I'ld recommend use the 's group. If you want multible users to be able to change, add them all to a new usergroup and set the ownership e.g. to

sudo chown root:<GROUPNAME> </path/to/parent_folder>

To verify it is setup as it should run

ls -la </path/to/parent_folder>
  • This shows you the a list of contained files and the very first entry . the folder itself with information about ownership and permissions.

Output could look like

drwxrwxr-x   1 root root     0 Dec  4 16:59 .

Step 2 - permissions

followed by

sudo chmod u+w </path/to/parent_folder>
sudo chmod g+w </path/to/parent_folder>
sudo chmod o+w </path/to/parent_folder>

This makes

  • u+r the owner(user) is allowed to write
  • g+r the group is allowed to write (this is optional and in some cases not wanted -> than change it to g-r)
  • o-r other users are not allowed to write

In some cases you might also want the -R option for all commands to set the ownership and permissions recursively also on the content of a folder.

Anyway there is no way to prevent that root changes anything in your system. So other users could still change using sudo.

  • For renaming something, permissions on it don't matter. Permissions on the parent folder matter.
    – muru
    Dec 6, 2017 at 13:23
  • Oh yeah you're right I clearified that
    – derHugo
    Dec 6, 2017 at 13:26

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