I am not sure whether this is the right platform to ask but let's give it a shot.

How to get keccak-256sum command in linux terminal? The Ubuntu already has commands like md5sum,sha256sum,sha384sum,ha512sum commands but not keccak.

I have not found this in ubuntu package-manager. Is there any third party liberary that allows me to get such command?


1 Answer 1


SHA-3 is a subset of the broader cryptographic primitive family Keccak.

Try using openssl command, e.g.

$ printf test | openssl dgst -sha3-256
SHA3-256(stdin)= 36f028580bb02cc8272a9a020f4200e346e276ae664e45ee80745574e2f5ab80

Pipe into awk '{print $NF}' to extract only the hash value.

See also:


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