in my LibreOffice the menu item recent files (in german "Zuletzt verwendete Dokumente") shows no documents ("keine Dokumente"), although I have used several docs.

I searched online and found the settings at Extras-->Options--> Advanced-->Expert Settings (Extras-->Optionen-->Erweitert-->Experteneinstellungen) org.openoffice.Office.Common --> History:

Size shows 100 and PicklistSize shows 25.

Even in org.openoffice.Office.Histories:HistoriesOrder['n'] (n from 1 to 24) the correct filenames appear.

That seems to be normal. I tried to delete the profile in ~/.config/libreoffice/4 by renaming it. A new profile is built, but with the same problem.

Can anyone help?

I use Ubuntu LTS 16.04 with the built-in LibreOffice

  • This issue is off-topic. See this: ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/78302/…
    – Redbob
    Aug 29, 2017 at 16:48
  • No, they recommend exactly the steps i already have done (deleting/renaming the profile and setting the PickListSize. In my case it doesnt work. And in general: Why "off-topic???. Can anyone help me?
    – LukeST
    Aug 29, 2017 at 21:31
  • 1
    @Redbob could you clarify why you think this is off topic? Are you suggesting that it's a bug report?
    – Zanna
    Aug 30, 2017 at 8:15
  • Your issue is related specifically to LibreOffice, doesn't have any relation to Ubuntu. I just showed to you some place where you should search for solution.
    – Redbob
    Aug 30, 2017 at 11:17
  • @Redbob Questions about LibreOffice in Ubuntu are on-topic even when not Ubuntu-specific. The on-topic and off-topic help pages don't support the claim you've made about Ask Ubuntu's scope, and we have clear strong consensus that such questions are on-topic. (Even within SE, overlapping scopes are by design.) If you want this policy changed, feel free to post on Ask Ubuntu Meta. Aug 30, 2017 at 18:42


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