I needed JDK 8 for Bazel. I ran sudo apt-get install openjdk-8* on a freshly built Ubuntu 16.04.02 machine, but after installation update-alternatives --config java show two paths:


I purged opensdk-8* and then installed apt-get openjdk-9* but the outcome was the same.

How do I get JDK 8?

4 Answers 4


Usually you install the openjdk like this:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

Maybe this is the problem. You can look this up at http://openjdk.java.net/install/index.html. If you do this you might have fixed this problem. But cant imagine why your command give this result.

  • 2
    I did this but I got E: Unable to locate package openjdk-8-jdk.
    – Old Geezer
    Jul 3, 2017 at 16:12
  • 4
    Run sudo apt update first. You need to be connected to the internet.
    – Pilot6
    Jul 3, 2017 at 16:24

I installed oracle-jdk8. If you need,

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java && sudo apt update
sudo apt install oracle-java8-installer


You can install openJDK with below command -

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

OR You can also look at option to install Oracle Java 8. Detailed instructions are updated in the blog here. You can also use below commands for a quick answer -

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt install oracle-java8-set-default

javac -version

You can simply follow below steps

  1. Download JDK 1.8 from https://repo.huaweicloud.com/java/jdk/8u202-b08/jdk-8u202-linux-x64.tar.gz

  2. Extract it using tar -xvzf ~/Downloads/jdk-8u202-linux-x64.tar.gz ~/JDK-1.8

  3. set JAVA_HOME using command export JAVA_HOME=~/JDK-1.8

  4. set PATH using command export PATH=~/JDK-1.8/bin:$PATH

Use below URL for more details https://www.vultr.com/docs/how-to-manually-install-java-8-on-ubuntu-16-04/

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