# type repeat ;echo "this is a bash shell output"
repeat is a function
repeat () 
    local n i;
    for ((i = 1; i <= "$n"; ++i))
        echo Date starting `date`;
        echo Before waiting `date`;
        sleep 6;
        echo Done waiting `date`;
        /usr/bin/mpv /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/complete.oga;
        /usr/bin/mpv /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/complete.oga;
        /usr/bin/mpv /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/complete.oga;

I would like to add this function for the alias repeat in fish shell. This alias is already available in bash shell but I would like to use the same in fish shell also. # indicates its the root user. For normal users its Fish shell which has been set as default.

  • try this under the function: alias repeat='repeat' Mar 14, 2017 at 15:33
  • want me to type it after > or inside a file ?
    – devilz
    Mar 14, 2017 at 15:37
  • Let me get you right you want thsi written in fish shell syntax? Mar 14, 2017 at 15:38
  • yeah it needs to be written in fish shell syntax as repeat alias
    – devilz
    Mar 14, 2017 at 15:38
  • try my updated and let me know... Mar 14, 2017 at 15:42

1 Answer 1

function repeat  
set n "$argv[1]";  
set m "$argv[2]";  
for i in (seq $n) ; set i $i+1  
echo "Starting date";date  
sleep 5;  
echo "Before Waiting";date  
sleep 10  
echo "After Waiting";date  
/usr/bin/mpv /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/complete.oga;  
/usr/bin/mpv /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/complete.oga;  
/usr/bin/mpv /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/complete.oga;  
eval $m  

Well this is the answer I have come up with and it works. It uses the mpv media player. Let me know if any further changes can be done.

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