Is it possible to auto answer to an incoming Skype call from specific Number or contact?

I Think this should work with a Python script using Skype4py but as I am not a programmer I don't have an idea how to do this.

Anybody has any suggestions?

1 Answer 1


Assuming your skype is online, i.e. that you have logged in and there are no network problems, you can do the following:

  1. In the skype list of phone numbers there is a buttom at the bottom of the skype window which gives you access to settings. Click on that, and the "options" menu pops up.
  2. Go to notifications,and select "incoming call ringing". Now select "Advanced View".
  3. At the bottom of the "advanced view" is an option to "Execute the following script", in which you enter full the filepath of your script.
  4. Press apply.

The script

global _proc
global use_growl
tell application "System Events" to set _proc to name of processes as list
if _proc contains "GrowlHelperApp" then
    set use_growl to true
    my growlRegister()
    set use_growl to false
end if
if _proc contains "Skype" then
    tell application "Skype"
        set calls to send command "SEARCH ACTIVECALLS" script name "AnsweringScript"
        set callID to last word of calls
        if callID is not "CALLS" then
            set status to send command "GET CALL " & callID & " STATUS" script name "AnsweringScript"
            if last word of status is "RINGING" then
                send command "ALTER CALL " & callID & " ANSWER" script name "AnsweringScript"
                my growlNotify("SkypeAnswer", "Answering call")
                send command "ALTER CALL " & callID & " HANGUP" script name "AnsweringScript"
                my growlNotify("SkypeAnswer", "Hanging up")
            end if
            my growlNotify("SkypeAnswer", "No call found to answer or hang up")
        end if
    end tell
    my growlNotify("SkypeAnswer", "Skype not detected")
end if
using terms from application "GrowlHelperApp"
    on growlRegister()
        tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
            register as application "SkypeAnswer" all notifications {"Alert"} default notifications {"Alert"} icon of application "Skype.app"
        end tell
    end growlRegister
    on growlNotify(grrTitle, grrDescription)
        if use_growl is true then
            tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
                notify with name "Alert" title grrTitle description grrDescription application name "SkypeAnswer"
            end tell
        end if
    end growlNotify
end using terms from

Reference: 1

Kind Regards


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