I'd like to mount an ext4 partition with subfolders for multiple users


just like /home. Thus I copied the fstab entry of the /home mouting,

UUID=...   /data    ext4    defaults    0    2

manually created the mount point

sudo mkdir /data

and created subfolders with the appropriate rights:

sudo mkdir /data/user1 && chown user1:user1 /data/user1
sudo mkdir /data/user2 && chown user2:user2 /data/user2

Though this allows the users to create files in their subfolder, they are not able to move them to trash.

I manually created the lost+found folder with no luck.

# ls -al /data/ | grep lost
drwx------  2 root        root        4096 Okt 15 11:55 lost+found

What do I need to change to enable the trash?

3 Answers 3


the trash directory needs to be named in this format to make this work: .Trash-$UID Allow for 'Move to trash' instead of 'permanently delete' for mounted partition?


According to this archlinux post referring to the FreeDesktop Trash Specification we can use trash folders for each user, that are located in the top folder


and that are owned by the respective user.

chown user1:user1 /data/.Trash-<user1.uid>
chown user2:user2 /data/.Trash-<user2.uid>

After this modification users are able to create files, to delete files to the trash and to recover them.

Update: You have to re-log to make this work.

  • 2
    The Trash-Spec and KDE are very picky about the permissions on these files. Trash-Spec says, .Trash/ must be 1777. KDE wants .Trash/<user-id> and .Trash-<user-id> to be 700 (until a patch of Sept 2020)
    – JPT
    Oct 8, 2020 at 16:17

the correct format for the said trash directory is


mkdir -p .Trash-$UID/{expunged,files,info}
chown $UID:$GID -Rv .Trash-$UID
chmod 750 -Rv .Trash-$UID

The above works for me in ubuntu, arch, and fedora references:

Allow for 'Move to trash' instead of 'permanently delete' for mounted partition?




I created a script named mktrash.sh to mkdir the trash-folder.


if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
    echo "Parameter: <mount path> - the top directory"


echo Creating Trash Directory: $UTRASH
echo Ctrl-C to Cancel, Enter to Continue
echo You will need to enter your SUDO password for creating $TRASH
read VAR

sudo mkdir -v $TRASH
sudo chmod -v 1777 $TRASH
mkdir -v $UTRASH
chmod -v 700 $UTRASH

Would be nice to have this automated for any mounts.

Once the .Trash dir exists, new users should be added automatically as Trash is world writeable.

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