My old GRUB background image is overlaid by my new GRUB background image.

enter image description here

  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • GRUB 2

I set a GRUB background image:

  • small white Ubuntu logo
  • on transparent background

I then:

  • edited my image to position the logo more centrally
  • saved to a new filename under /boot/grub/
  • moved the old file to my own user folders
  • ran sudo update-grub

Now I see my new image nice and central, but the old image persists underneath the new one.

Any ideas or advice on how to clear it ?

  • I cant see any mistakes in the steps you used to set up the background-image in Grub, so it's probably the image itself. What do you see if you browse to /boot/grub and just double-click the image?
    – mook765
    Oct 4, 2016 at 16:29
  • @mook765 Yep ... Doubting my own sanity, I did try the obvious and double triple check the image was good and displayed what I expected.
    – TaoRich
    Oct 5, 2016 at 13:11
  • Some thinking this morning at work raised a theory which I will test at home this evening and report back. Perhaps the background image is compiled into a specific "memory range" in the boot code. When the image is changed and has transparency then the transparent elements of the image are not "reloaded into the memory range" - hence the superposed images. So what I will test is to create a flat single colour image of the same size, as JPG with no transparency and update-grub on that - then revert to my desired image, as PNG with transparency and update-grub again.
    – TaoRich
    Oct 5, 2016 at 13:19
  • Probably a bug in Grub. Check here in which locations you could have background-images, normally Grub should choose only one even if more then one image is available in one ore in different locations. I would check all the locations, maybe you find something...Your last comment just arrived, listens like a good idea...
    – mook765
    Oct 5, 2016 at 13:22
  • @mook765 : I checked thoroughly for older images lying around in locations where they would get picked up. Totally cleaned up 100%. When I run update-grub the output definitely finds only one image.
    – TaoRich
    Oct 6, 2016 at 12:48


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