I've just mount new pendrive with msdos fs on it, and i tried formatting it to Luks/Ext4.

How i tried :
Files -> right click on penrive -> format.. :
Erase : Overwrite existing data with zeros
Type : Encrypted, compatible with Linux systems (Luks + Ext4) And i've chosen ext4/LUKS
Then i gave passphrase and clicked start format.

After that i had no information, nor progress bar etc.
and each time i tried (many hours) waiting with hope formatting is ended, after pluging it off i get such an error :

Error formatting volume: Error erasing cleartext device: Error writing 1048576 bytes to /dev/dm-4: Input/output error (udisks-error-quark, 0)

How can i know when to plug off pendrive and how to see progress of fragmentation when pendrive is getting unvisible ? I'm running 16.04 LTS

  • Which program are you running when you right click? Oct 3, 2016 at 12:12
  • Default one from GUI : Files -> right click on penrive -> format.. -> "Format Volume" Oct 3, 2016 at 12:26

1 Answer 1


Check the progress by loading Gnome-disk.

Nautilus is the default File browser. It doesn't show any status of activity as you described. I tested an encryption on a 8gig partition using the zero's overwrite. It took about 20 minutes. Without the zeros it take seconds.

You can see a status of the disk availability by loading gnome-disk.

The gnome-disk GUI will give you a status of all your drives and partitions. Select the partition you are formatting and you'll see a progress bar of what is happening with the drive.

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