Thinkpad t60p Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 32-bit Possible reason: Ubuntu was upgraded to 16.04 on another machine (that died), the HDD was moved over to the t60p

I've tried sudo service network-manager restart And sudo systemctl retart network-manager.service

Also testet to flip physical switch in combination with the above.

I also did sudo apt-get remove wicd

All steps suggested in another thread.

  • Download the .deb files of network-manager and network-manager-gnome from ubuntu's website. Then, uninstall both of them. Later, using sudo dpkg -i install install them back from where the two files were saved.( Warning: Don't type sudo apt autoremove after uninstalling ). Oct 2, 2016 at 14:32

1 Answer 1


This is a known bug. You can use this command:

sudo iwlist scan


sudo wpa_cli scan

to scan manually. This is a temporary solution. You either need scripts or other methods to fix the situation permanently.

  • 1
    You could put iwlist scan or wpa_cli scan (no need for sudo) into the Power Management scripts, see man -k pm|egrep '^pm-'. and dpkg -L pm-utils
    – waltinator
    Oct 2, 2016 at 15:34

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