I was playing with my xubuntu (i.e. trying i3, other WM's, changing styles, etc.), but after all I understood that I can't recreate original system fonts. I tried many variations of DejaVu Sans, but it's all look pretty bad. Can you please tell me, what is default font in xfce4-terminal, and in xubuntu 16.04 itself? I don't want to reinstall my system.

1 Answer 1


Xubuntu 16.04 uses Noto Sans as the default font for it's User interface. In previous releases, It used to use Droid Sans though.

In Ubuntu flavors, typically xubuntu-default-settings package controls the default look and feel for a flavor. It's xubuntu-default-settings for Xubuntu, lubuntu-default-settings for Lubuntu.

The dependencies of xubuntu-default-settings verifies this -

 |Depends: dconf-gsettings-backend
  Depends: <gsettings-backend>
  Depends: xubuntu-artwork
  Depends: fonts-noto-hinted
  Depends: x11-common
  Depends: lightdm-gtk-greeter
  Recommends: xfce4-session
  Recommends: libxfce4ui-utils

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