I'm using Ubuntu in Dual boot with Windows 7. I have three partitions: one for Windows, one for Ubuntu, and one for my files (it is used in both OSs; let's call it D).

When I use Ubuntu and I delete a file from D, deleted files aren't going to Ubuntu trash (they are deleted directly). How can I fix this?

  • Just to clarify: you are referring to the Ubuntu trash and not windows?
    – Bruni
    May 6, 2016 at 9:12
  • Exactly ubuntu trash (if it was for windows I would say recycle bin) May 6, 2016 at 9:23

2 Answers 2


You can enable Trash on Windows partition by making yourself its owner.

Find out your user id:

$ id

Open the fstab file, which holds partition mounting configuration:

$ sudo gedit /etc/fstab

Find your Windows partition (the one of ntfs type). It will look like this:

/dev/sda3 /home/user/shared    ntfs    defauls,noatime 0 0

(Note, that it doesn't have to be /dev/sda3, and the mount point and options may differ).

Add uid=xxxx to its list of options, where xxxx is your user ID:

/dev/sda3 /home/user/shared    ntfs    defauls,noatime,uid=xxxx 0 0

Save the fstab file and unmount/remount the Windows partition or simply reboot the computer. If it doesn't help, you might have to also add your group ID as gid=yyyy.

Taken from here.


Check permission:

cd  ~/.local/share/
ls  -la | grep Trash

If it says root then change the permission using:

sudo chown username:username Trash

Also, if you are using the rm command, then files are deleted permanently.

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