I am trying to get my headphones to get detected with my Ubuntu OS on the Alienware 15, but without any luck. Did anybody come across such issue? I am completely clueless.

Thanks for your help!

/* Edit */

  • The headphones are generic, no model is listed on them. I will state that they work on my phone, and on my Windows machine, without any problems.

  • I have tried to modify my alsa config files, but no luck there (as listed in here http://itsfoss.com/fix-sound-ubuntu-1304-quick-tip/)

  • Here is a screenshot of my sound settings:

    enter image description here

as you can see, the headphones are not detected.

  • What brand/model are your headphones? What have you tried? We need more information to help you, please update your question with all relevant information and a screenshot of sound settings >> output page.
    – Mark Kirby
    Feb 1, 2016 at 10:38
  • I'v updated my question above, if you have any pointers or things that you would suggest that I check, just let me know, I will be grateful.
    – Chen Mor
    Feb 2, 2016 at 7:45

1 Answer 1


Try this, it worked for me... :)

  • In Terminal enter command: alsamixer
  • An ASCI UI will open, use arrows keys to find the item; "HP/speaker Auto Detect". It will say "Off" next to it.
  • Press the M key on your keyboard and the "Off" tag will disappear.
  • Re-plug your headphones. (in my M14X R2 it worked in MIDDLE jack output)
  • Enjoy!
  • This totally worked for me! Had to press F6 and select the Intel PCH first. I've had my Alienware 15 for almost a year and never could get headphones working on it; I'd just assumed the drivers weren't supported. :) Jan 17, 2017 at 21:01

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