Possible Duplicate:
How to “show desktop” from command line?

I was wondering if there was a shell command that minimizes/maximizes all windows.

I have heard of wmctrl -k on, but the program 'wmctrl' is not a default in Ubuntu.



2 Answers 2


Super-D will minimize/restore all windows.


  • Why the downvote? This answer meets your needs and is more efficient than typing out a command
    – Jason
    Oct 1, 2011 at 22:52
  • 1
    Well, I know I can use Ctrl+Alt+D or Super+D, but I need the terminal command, I'm a developer and I need to use it in a program.
    – user25119
    Oct 2, 2011 at 15:38
  • i am not convinced peeking to the desktop is same functionality as minimizing, furthermore for info it doesnt seem to work in compiz for example
    – FantomX1
    Nov 12, 2020 at 9:03

wmctrl is available in the Universe repository. Run sudo apt-get install wmctrl to install it.

I'm not a developer, but if your program needs it, I think you can list it as a dependency when you package the program. This will ensure that wmctrl is installed when your program is installed.

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