I'm trying to open firefox with two tabs from the command line, with two separate web addresses. So far I'm having no luck.

firefox -new-tab https://www.evernote.com/Home.action -new-tab http://www.gmail.com

Could someone point me in the right direction?

3 Answers 3


Oops. I just found the answer. You need to add a -url after each `-new-tab'.

firefox -new-tab -url https://www.evernote.com/Home.action -new-tab -url http://www.gmail.com

Now it works. Hope this can help somebody.

  • Cool. That would be very usefull in Chrome as well.
    – Augusto
    Sep 8, 2017 at 9:09
  • For macOS users: /Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox --new-tab https://google.com
    – SgtPooki
    Nov 4, 2020 at 7:15

You no longer need to add -url, simply write firefox followed by space-separated URLs.


firefox mail.google.com askubuntu.com stackoverflow.com
  • This is a nice solution. Personally, I run it at startup using CTRL+R to recall the line and with a & at the end of the command to detach the firefox session from the terminal - just a suggestion.
    – somethis
    Aug 7, 2019 at 9:38
  • 1
    This is not working for me. The only change that I did was that I have added a new profile in firefox and set it as the default. Now when I try the above solution, I get the following error Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To use Firefox, you must first close the existing Firefox process, restart your device, or use a different profile. Firefox is not stuck though. Both the new profile and the default one are working fine from the UI.
    – livinston
    Mar 2, 2021 at 3:28

Create a file containing list of URLs called url.txt:


Firefox uses the new-tab command, so you could pass the URLs in the file to the browser like so:

xargs -a url.txt firefox -new-tab "$line"
  • @Maythus awesome
    – alhelal
    Jul 19, 2016 at 9:41
  • this approach generates the same popup error cited by @livinston Jan 19, 2022 at 17:46
  • this approach generates the same popup error cited by @livinston additional info: I am using firefox 96. This issue only appeared somewhere after version 90 (or with whatever ubuntu 20.04.3 updates were made in this timeframe). Not clear to me if this is a firefox issue or an ubuntu one, but the fact that I get the same error when running the equivalent command for vivaldi, brave, and opera makes me think is an issue brought upon us by GNOME or ubuntu. askubuntu.com/questions/1374403/… Jan 19, 2022 at 18:40

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