I want to style up the default grub menu to something like we get in windows 8 dual booted with ubuntu. Want to make a GUI for grub menu. i saw its possible somewhere so I want to know how. I have Windows 7 ultimate dual booted with ubuntu 13.10

1 Answer 1


You may find this article from Arch Wiki very useful: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB/Tips_and_tricks

What I got out of that article for my modest needs is setting wallpaper/background:

add line GRUB_BACKGROUND=/path/to/your/image.jpg into /etc/default/grub and run update-grub. Personally I use GRUB_BACKGROUND=/usr/share/backgrounds/Foggy_Forest_by_Jake_Stewart.jpg which is one of the default wallpapers

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