I would like to use an easy and small currency widget on ubuntu 14.10. Pref. one that can be minimized near the power, system settings and network bar. Does anybody knows a good one? I am enjoying a lot with ubuntu, although I am still a beginner after 1 years.

1 Answer 1


Ubuntu Software Center has only one Currency Converter and it only converts to and from Euro: KEuroCalc

But you can also use a multi-feature calculator like Qalculate to do the job (although it can only be added to Unity Launcher, and not the Top Panel or SysTray.

The application downloads the latest currency rates, and then all you need is to type in something like GBP 1 to USD and press Enter to convert.

More info here: http://www.maketecheasier.com/qalculate-powerful-calculator-for-linux

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