I want to know the file permission code

I have run the command and get this code, How can i know which file has which permission

ls -l

-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data   4253 Mar 16 10:17 1426481278-xAx-flame.jpg
--wxrw--wt 1 www-data www-data 174613 Mar 16 10:17 1426481278-xAx-flame.mp4

Please tell me


2 Answers 2


cd in to the directory which contains your file and run :


check this link for more details :permission
Hope this'll help you.


Ok, let's see this one -rw-r--r--

  • First 3 symbols are user permissions:

    -rw = read and write,

  • Next 3 symbols are group permissions :

    -r- = read only

  • Next 3 symbols are other permissions :

    -r- = read only

  • Last symbol is a sticky bit, in above case it's unset.

Note: x stands for execute permission, basically someone is allowed to run a program.

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