What process should I follow as a user of juju or a developer wishing to contribute a patch or bugfix to the project?

The answer should include:

  • How to file a bug and where?
  • How to propose a patch against juju-core source?
  • How to get a code review?
  • How to submit an approved patch?

As juju is becoming more popular, people want to contribute, but the process is not quite well documented.

1 Answer 1


There are several starting points worth checking out: README.md and CONTRIBUTING.md files in the juju-core source (https://github.com/juju/juju) explain how to install and build juju from source and set up your Github account as needed. Whenever you have a question, there are several ways to get in touch with the juju-core team:

For more detailed answers to the typical steps in the workflow (file a bug, propose a patch, get code review, submit the patch), take a look at Juju @ github – The Life of a Bugfix.

In the near future some steps of the process will be automated and get easier for contributors, so in the mean time I hope this helps!

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