Getting following error on nagios server

root@VMb:/usr/local/nagios/libexec# ./check_nrpe -H -n CHECK_NRPE: Socket timeout after 10 seconds.

2 Answers 2


On my case I had to increase the command timeout. I created my own plugin and this is my check command: $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c check_nvr -t 3600

I run a find command that takes a longtime to execute

  • The check_nrpe help is confusing in this respect - it describes -t as a connection timeout, but it is actually also a response timeout. If it connects immediately but the check takes a long time to run, it will return a timeout message as Youssef says.
    – Ian Gibbs
    Sep 2, 2017 at 2:17

either nrpe service is not running on that remote host or add nagios server ip on that nrpe client host configuration file



Then restart nrpe service.

  • I have Install the NRPE daemon under xinetd as a service. then only restarting xinetd will do ? if yes i have done it still getting error Nov 25, 2015 at 11:46
  • please check nrpe is running or not 'ps -ef|grep nrpe" should get some thing like this "/usr/sbin/nrpe -c /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg -d" if running then check for which port its running on default port is "5666"
    – PKumar
    Nov 27, 2015 at 11:22
  • @PKumar I tried running ps -ef|grep nrpe and found nagios 30196 1 0 13:02 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/nagios/bin/nrpe -c /usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg -f ubuntu 30259 1623 0 13:22 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto nrpe I cannot see 5666 anywhere in this. can you help on this ? Jan 23, 2020 at 13:24

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