I have two hard disks. HD1 has two partitions - a NTFS partitions with windows 8.1 and an ext3 with Ubuntu 14.04. HD2 has 4 NTFS partitions. Both of the disks (all partitions) are visible on Ubuntu 14.04. And all NTFS partitions used to be visible/accessible on Windows. But yesterday after upgradeding to Ubuntu 14.04 from 13.10 I am unable to see any HD2 NTFS partitions on windows.

In Device manager panel in windows, on clicking 'scan for H/w changes' it shows the name of my HD2, but partitions still don't show up in File Explorer.

  • 1
    Seems like a windows problem to me?! You should ask that here superuser.com probably
    – Rinzwind
    May 18, 2014 at 13:20
  • 1
    It could be that your partition type codes have changed. Examine them with gdisk (or fdisk if the affected disk uses MBR). For Windows to see them, they should have a type code of 0700 in gdisk (or 07 in fdisk on MBR disks). If the Windows partitions have some other type code, like 8300 (or 83 in fdisk), then you need to change them.
    – Rod Smith
    May 18, 2014 at 15:18


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