Hi I just installed Ubuntu over my Windows 7 installation. Now only Ubuntu is installed on my system. But the thing is I want to access my other 3 drives which I have in windows 7 that contains my personal stuff: movies, pictures etc.

I don't have any other operating system on my system so I want to use them on this drive. Please help.

How can I access these drives and show them on my computer?

  • 1
    @user271970 Do you have Ubuntu 13.04 or 14.04? You should see your NTFS drives in nautilus in the devices category in the sidebar.
    – Cornelius
    Apr 21, 2014 at 14:25
  • don't you have them in nautilus file browser top left corner, in devices section? Apr 21, 2014 at 14:27

1 Answer 1


You can see your windows drives in Ubuntu from files. enter image description here For example I have two drives on windows. They are shown as New volume and 172 GB volume. enter image description here To browse them just click on them and they will open. enter image description here

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