I want to connect to a VPN with nmcli. Is there a way to allow me to provide a password to nmcli from the console?

There seem to be ways to store the password in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/<connection>, that I don't seem to be able to get working. But I'd prefer not storing passwords in files at all.

On the desktop I enter the password every time, but when I run sudo nmcli con up id MyVPN over SSH, it opens a GUI dialog on the remote desktop asking for my password, which seems like a strange design decision to me. If I had e.g. VNC to the remote desktop, I wouldn't use nmcli...

2 Answers 2


Try using the --ask flag:

nmcli --ask con up id MyVPN

I've dropped sudo because it is probably unnecessary (and dangerous).

  • I just tried --ask which is in Ubuntu 15.04. If I run this from a console over ssh, then the dialog asking for the password still appears on the remote desktop, not where I can see it in the ssh session. :-( If I had access to the remote desktop, I wouldn't need nmcli Aug 17, 2015 at 23:50
  • works for me. @PeterV.Mørch to get this working over ssh i also had to add poltik rules.
    – rrosa
    May 6, 2016 at 4:27

this should work on ubuntu 16.04:

nmcli --ask con up id MyVPN

to get this working over ssh i also had to add rules in


one called 90-ssh-network-control.pkla with content:

[Network Manager - Control network nmcli]

and another called 90-ssh-own-network.pkla with the same except for the Action field, replace with:


on 14.04LTS the --ask option is not available.

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