I've been trying to search for solutions for days now but still to no avail. It's really starting to frustrate me.

See I have this gamepad (DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick) which is functioning great except the rumble effect.

I've tried installing in on a Windows system through VM and another in a Windows PC and at both times, the rumble effect worked.

But the thing is, even on the Windows systems, the rumble effect needed a driver for it to work which I also installed on my Ubuntu using Wine. (I'm not sure if THAT's the issue)

And on another note, when I was on Windows, the emulator I was using to test the rumble effect (Dolphin) there were two choices on the dropdown menu for installed joystick devices. One of which is "DInput/0/USB Vibration Stick" and the other one is "SDL/0/USB Vibration Stick". Both of them are my DragonRise Joystick BUT if I chose the DInput, the rumble effect works, and if I chose the SDL it WONT WORK.


enter image description here

When I went to try on the Dolphin Emulator in Ubuntu, and clicked the dropdown menu, ONLY the "SDL" appeared and there is no "DInput" on the choices.


enter image description here

My question, how do I install my gamepad on Ubuntu so that the DInput WILL appear together with the SDL? I have a feeling the rumble effect will work once it's installed.

Sorry for the long post. I hope I will get a response soon. I'm really getting frustrated.

P.S. What are DInput and SDL anyway?


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