I accidentally set 'List Only' permission to a very important folder of mine with the intention of hiding it from my employees. But now, even I'm unable to access it. The notification reads out

"You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of 'Folder-name'."

I tried to change the permissions but it reads out again:

"Permissions of 'Folder-name' could not be determined."

How do I undo the 'List Only' permission now? Please help. Its a very important folder for my business.

  • You need to see the permissions of the folder: $ ls -ld Folder-name
    – Leo
    Dec 21, 2013 at 17:55

1 Answer 1


If you don't need to give some rights to some users/groups and some other rights to some other users/groups, I think you can change permnssions you need to change accessing via terminal to the parent directory, then giving a

sudo -i

and finally

chmod [-R] xxx /path/to/your/folder

(don't forget to close root shell by exit or simply giving the previous command using sudo: sudo chmod [-R] xxx /path/to/your/folder )

where -R means recursively, i.e. it changes permissions as indicated by *xxx*to every file and subdirectory in it and xxx is the set of permissions you want to state.

I've used "xxx" but each "x" stays for "rwx" by powers of 2 (three values for Owner, Group, Others), so rwx,rwx,rwx will be 777 (1*2^2+1*2^1+1*2^0=4+2+1=7, three times) and the "list only" you actually have, r--,r--,r--, will be 444 (1*2^2+0*2^1+0*2^0=4+0+0=4, three times).



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