I gotten a VPS recently and I wanted to host my own websites and with that, the ability to send and receive mail.

I set up my mail server according to this guide: https://www.exratione.com/2012/05/a-mailserver-on-ubuntu-1204-postfix-dovecot-mysql/

And it worked: I can access the SMTP with STARTTSL and IMAP server with authentication, all on standard port.

But now my Postfix turned into a spam server (currently it has 200+ mails queued up) and I was forced to turn it down. Also it always got all the MySQL connections, and websites couldn't connect to it.

How can I fix my Postfix?

2 Answers 2


Nuke it in orbit! Your server was compromised, I wouldn't try to "repair it" but plainly starting from 0 and then prevent it gets compromised again.

You can check our network paranoids security experts counsels at Information Security.


Prevent from happening again:

  • 1
    And lock down your postfix server so it doesn't accept mail requests from random mail servers
    – Thomas Ward
    Nov 26, 2013 at 18:41
  • by nuke it, you mean the whole server? or just the mail part?
    – NaGeL182
    Nov 27, 2013 at 6:11

seems like my server wasn't compromised it just my settings allowed anyone to connect to it, and use it without authentication.

in my main.cf I changed the mynetworks = [::/0] to mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128 and removed the permit from smtpd_client_restrictions

after i cleared the queue and started the server none of the problems i experienced seems to appear again.

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