I am not sure where to begin this one, but I would like to run an sms server on my ubuntu server. When my postgresql database is updated with a new record, the server should listen and take the phone number stored in the record, and send a text message to it. I'm not sure the best path to take to achieve this. Do I need to write my own server or do you use packages out there?

2 Answers 2


Here is one way of getting it done:


    sudo apt-get install ssh


    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade


    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nijel/ppa

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-get install gammu

For complete instructions see Build your own SMS gateway with Ubuntu Linux and Gammu

For help, have a look at the manpage.


  • Now if I want this to run even after I log out of ssh, do I use something like screen or nohup or do I deamonize it with: gammu-smsd --config /etc/gammu-smsdrc --pid /var/run/gammu-smsd.pid --daemon. Or does it matter? Jun 10, 2013 at 21:47

Take a look into Gammu - it's available in the main repositories and has wide support for most phones. It also supports SQL database backends (though you may need to structure your database in a way it will understand).

It can both send & recieve SMS messages as well as a whole host of other things.

  • It doesn't seem to work with my iPhone 5 though, as I found out after I installed it and giving it a whirl.
    – Simon
    Jun 10, 2013 at 21:06
  • 1
    I think that's a restriction of the iPhone more than the software; the list of supported devices is very large, and the restrictions on Apple software are very well known. I'd suggest you buy a cheap phone and use that; I've found the cheaper phones are generally better supported too as they have fewer technical restrictions on them.
    – jackweirdy
    Jun 10, 2013 at 21:18
  • I guessed as much. I wish I had found Ubuntu before I found the iPhone!
    – Simon
    Jun 11, 2013 at 7:59

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