I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 and Nautilus Actions Configuration Tool 3.1.4. When ever I select the option 'run in terminal' in execution tab...it doesn't work. The comand i'm running shows a progress bar which is not visible using any other option. How can I fix this?

nautilus actions config tool - execution tab

  • Why do you want to do it with "run in a terminal" option? Do you want to see the output of your action? And it would be better, if you could let me know the command which you are trying to execute. Apr 6, 2013 at 20:35
  • i'm trying to use rsync which display's a progress bar that needs a terminal
    – koogee
    Apr 7, 2013 at 0:20

2 Answers 2


In nautilus-actions tool, go to Edit > Preferences > Runtime Execution. In the "command pattern" field, enter: gnome-terminal -x sh -c COMMAND

Then your commands/scripts will execute in the terminal just fine. Hope this helps someone!

  • What if I want to run only specific options in the terminal?
    – Ramvignesh
    Oct 19, 2014 at 8:02

Add a new action in Nautilus Actions Configuration Tool, called "Run in Terminal".

The relevant command is simple:

gnome-terminal -x %f

So, add that under Command tab

enter image description here

To always keep the terminal open when running this action, use a Gnome Terminal profile with that setting: In gnome-terminal, Edit-Preferences, select 'Profiles' tab, add new profile and call it "hold", and under 'Command' tab check to keep it open:

enter image description here

then add --profile=hold to the gnome-terminal parameters

enter image description here

(On how to add that setting in other terminal emulators, see THIS answer.)

Then, under Mimetypes tab, add application/*.

enter image description here

Be sure that under the 'Action' tab of Nautilus Actions Configuration Tool, you have selected the setting for displaying the option in context menu of selection.

enter image description here


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