I lost track of how many times I've been bumping into this issue with different OSes. Now with Ubuntu 12.10 64-bit.

Okay, the problem is on startup of Sublime Text an error message saying among other things No module named __future__ appears and it's impossible to launch the application. What should I do?

2 Answers 2


Sublime Text 2 requires a Python 2.6 library. This problem is caused by it being unable to find it. It's possible to fix this by placing the contents of a Lib folder from a python distribution archive downloaded from here into a lib/python2.6 folder of Sublime Text 2 installation.


Unfortunately, Nikita's answer didn't work for me, but I noticed that I only had problems when using symlinks to Sublime Text and not when using the "real" path to the executable. Then I tested with an alias; lo and behold, it works.

Add one of these to your alias or rc file (usually, bash_rc tests if .bash_aliases exists and automatically includes it)

alias subl="/opt/Sublime\ Text\ 2/sublime_text -w"

alias sublime="/opt/Sublime\ Text\ 2/sublime_text -w"

However, if you want to use it in something that uses another shell, particularly Bourne shell, you'll have to exchange the backslashes and wrap the executable in single quotes; example from .muttrc:

set editor = "'/opt/Sublime Text 2/sublime_text' -w"    # Use Sublime Text 2 to compose email.

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