Im using Gnome 3 with Gnome Shell, my problem is some of the applications that have indicators in the top right area dont have icons that fit with the others.

This is how my indicator icons look like: enter image description here

I want if possible to find the skype and pidgin icons and replace them (i tried searching for pidgins with dpkg -L pidgin but didn't notice any icon-like extensions of the listed files).

1 Answer 1


These icons are from default placed at /usr/share/icons/IconTheme/apps/XXX/, where IconTheme is the icon theme that you are currently using (e.g. Faenza) and XXX the size of the icons.

It would be good to replace all of these icons to the ones you like. Be careful to keep backups, though, in case you are not sure that you want to do this. You can convert an image to many different sizes with the convert command of the imagemagick package:

convert 1.png -resize 100x100 2.png

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