This will probably be a short and informative question.

All the time I have heard and seen people talking about how you can customize sudo so you can adjust the 15 min reset, and add a custom query for the password. I myself would like to know how, and do this(At least on debian based systems). I have DuckDuckGo'd it and I couldn't find anything except the "Sudoers File" in /etc/sudoers, which I haven't found a way to adjust or configure anything from there.

Can anyone tell me the file or where I can configure these settings?


1 Answer 1


If you check man sudoers it states that the timeout can be changed by changing the timestamp_timeout variable.

In /etc/sudoers, add this line:

Defaults rootpw

in order that the default password is the root password and not the user password.

  • Well @mutzmatron I have looked into the manual pages.(That is usually the first thing I do...) but I would also like to know where I can customize the prompt for Sys Admin password, and make it ask for root password instead of user...
    – TenorB
    Jul 25, 2012 at 16:45
  • 1
    That aspect of your question is answered here: superuser.com/questions/161593/…, I'll add in the main part...
    – jmetz
    Jul 25, 2012 at 16:46

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