I am trying to install CrossOver using the Terminal app. I typed in the following command line 'sudo apt install //crossover_22.1.0-1.deb'. I received two (2) error messages. The first was 'unsupported file given on command line. The second was dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.

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    – user68186
    Feb 21, 2023 at 16:54

1 Answer 1


Here are the steps:

How do I manually run sudo dpkg --configure-a?

  1. Open a terminal (if none is open). You can do this by searching for the app called Terminal or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T.
  2. Enter the command as shown in the error message. It is best to copy and paste where possible. The commands and file and folder names are case sensitive in Ubuntu. apt and APT and aPt are three different things.

Here is the command again. It may be easier to copy from here:

sudo dpkg --configure -a

Press the Enter key and you will be prompted to type your password. When you type the password the cursor will not move and you will NOT see any *********. This is normal. After entering the password press the Enter key.

Now you have manually run that command.

Error: Unsupported file given on command line

The //crossover_22.0.1-1.deb is wrong.

Specifically // does not make any sense in this context. Probably that's why you get the first error.

If the file was downloaded in the current folder, the correct command is:

sudo apt install ./crossover_22.0.1-1.deb 

Note, there is no space between the dot . and the slash / and the file name crossover_22.0.1-1.deb

If the file was downloaded in the Downloads folder, the correct command is:

sudo apt install ~/Downloads/crossover_22.0.1-1.deb.

Note, there is no space between the tilde ~ and the first slash /.

Hope this helps

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