I have Ubuntu installed in an USB drive. It is not a live or persistent live install. It is a regular, full install.

Is there any way to backup the USB drive to a .img or .iso file, which I can later use to restore a bootable version of Ubuntu to this USB drive or another USB drive?

  • I suggest that you use Clonezilla because it is efficient and safe. A Clonezilla image is a directory with a set of files, and the big files are compressed. Clonezilla is smart enough to copy only used blocks (in file systems known by its tool Partclone). See this link where I explain more about Clonezilla.
    – sudodus
    Sep 9, 2022 at 15:18
  • 1
    The gnome-disks app has "Create Disk Image" as one of the menu options. This will create a .img file the size of the whole USB drive. You can use the same app to restore from a .img file to another USB drive of the same or bigger size.
    – user68186
    Sep 9, 2022 at 22:00

1 Answer 1


Note that this is a simplistic method, that will create large files already for "small" devices.


  1. use e.g. lsblk -ape7 to find out which /dev/... you have the USB drive positioned at
    (e.g /dev/sdc to have a true dev to show below).
  2. make sure the drive is NOT mounted
  3. Open a terminal, type
    sudo dd if=/dev/sdc bs=128k | gzip --best >/place/to/store/backup.img.gz
  4. hit Enter and fill in the (root) password

The example /dev/sdc needs to be same-size USB drive, or larger than the backup source.

Also: Make sure /dev/sdc is the CORRECT device,
all earlier content will be lost and will NOT be recoverable.

Enter gzip -c /place/to/store/backup.img.gz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdc bs=128k
in a terminal (at the bash prompt) and provide the requested input (root password).

Additional options to dd (notrunc, noerror) and gzip might be in place.

The image file produced by dd, when uncompressed (and at least of some common content types), may be mounted as a loop device:
lodev=$(losetup -f) - will create a device, if possible, and keep the name in $lodev
sudo losetup $lodev imagefile - will attempt to use the imagefile, create a 'removable' disk and mount the partitions in it.
sudo losetup -d $lodev - will dismount the image, and deconstruct the loop device.

  • Note that this is a simplistic method, that will create large files already for "small" devices.
    – Hannu
    Sep 9, 2022 at 21:39
  • I am not very familiar with dd, can we add the progress indicator as described here ? If the progress indicator feature is compatible with this, can you please edit the answer to add that? Sep 10, 2022 at 20:47
  • Should there be a space between > and /place/to/store/backup.img.gz ? Sep 10, 2022 at 20:49
  • it should work as is.
    – Hannu
    Sep 11, 2022 at 5:51
  • Progress; Try just appending status=progress to the dd commands, it seems to work based on a simple check.
    – Hannu
    Sep 11, 2022 at 19:16

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