I need to rotate a screen, so I created in home directory a file /.xprofile. In this .xprofile file I wrote command:

xrandr --output HDMI-1 --rotate left

and it works properly. If I reboot full system it again will work properly.

BUT if I switch OFF the monitor power and switch ON the monitor power (but the operating system continues to work), screen rotation becomes default (normal).

For example: I need left orientation of the screen. For some reasons I switch off monitor power for 5 seconds, and after I switch ON the monitor power oriention is normal. But I still need left orientation of the screen.

How to permamently save the orientation of the screen regardless of the power status of the monitor?

1 Answer 1


Problem solved:

I just cheked /etc/udev/rules.d - udev event rules.

There was rule "60-drm.rules". This rule ran the /usr/local/bin/drm-hotplug script.sh every time the "monitor on" event occurred.

In this script was a code line: sudo -u $user xrandr --output $monitor --auto

So I changed this code to : sudo -u $user xrandr --output $monitor --rotate left

Thats all.

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