I'm using an Ubuntu desktop 20.04 LTS. I'm not running any concurrent applications at the time. and I'm using R and python and a jupyter notebook in my computer.

today while running jupyter notebook I got an unresponsive page issue and I checked the monitor app and unbelievably saw 90% of my RAM and even 70% of swap area is busy. I dont know how to fix this . by the way my pc has 6 Gib of RAM and 12 Gib of swap area.

  • hi .I mentioned what I meant to say. May 12, 2021 at 21:19
  • Did you look at top to see what the big memory-using processes are?
    – user535733
    May 12, 2021 at 22:35
  • Edit your question and show me free -h and sysctl vm.swappiness and grep -i swap /etc/fstab and sudo swapon -s and top. Start comments to me with @heynnema or I'll miss them.
    – heynnema
    May 12, 2021 at 23:40

1 Answer 1


I think you can just decreate the desired RAM usage of your Jupyter Notebook:

jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.max_buffer_size=3

Which should set it to 3gb max. I have found this answer here.

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