I'm using the Regolith desktop environment and would like to find the current RGB colour values that are being used in my gnome-terminal, as shown in the colour bar of neofetch attached.

I've spent a while digging around in /usr/share/themes/Ayu-Mirage-Dark and .config/regolith, but with no luck.

NB - For background I am trying to find the RGB values as I want to duplicate them on a machine running Manjaro i3 (so need to copy and paste the RGB values into ~/.Xresources).

Neofetch screenshot

1 Answer 1


I suggest that you try the color picker tool in Gimp.

enter image description here

  • 1
    There's also gpick in the repos and it's really light, should they not want to install Gimp just for a color picker.
    – KGIII
    Jan 10, 2021 at 3:11
  • Thank you, I had considered this. But it just seems such a manual way of doing it, considering these values are all encoded somewhere, you presumably simply need to know where to look. The longer I spent looking though, the more this option seemed like defeat! Jan 10, 2021 at 9:23
  • In the end, and after more reading, I used terminal.sexy to export a gnometerm theme which looked pretty close to the above. Jan 11, 2021 at 19:21

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