My end goal is to bind a double-press of the control key to launch the "Run a Command" prompt that's usually tied to alt+F2 by default.

I used xcape to bind ctrl to an unused combination when it's released on its own (like detailed here), then created a small script to run a command when it's typed twice in succession (as detailed here). Then, I went to settings to create the shortcut and realized I had no idea what command to actually use.

In short - is there some command that opens gnome's "Run a command" prompt?

Workarounds for my specific issue are welcome, but now I'm also just curious.


1 Answer 1

gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.Shell --object-path /org/gnome/Shell --method org.gnome.Shell.Eval string:'Main.openRunDialog();'

The above command opens the "Run a command" Dialog.

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