How do I get rid of this 'unknown' program that is pinned to my dock? I have tried right clicking (which gets me nowhere), tried clicking it to bring it up and I get a black bar that I can't move or remove up around where the Activities button is and I have tried using 'xprop WM_CLASS' to identify it but it couldn't identify it. It doesn't go away if I restart and I have been through all my settings and nothing seems to be causing it. No idea what it is but it's taking up room.

Any suggestions?Here is the black 'unknown' square

1 Answer 1


Take a look at the apps listed under favorite-apps in your /etc/dconf/profile or ~/.config/dconf/user file.

You’ll see something like this:

favorite-apps = ['gedit.desktop', 'gnome-terminal.desktop', 'nautilus.desktop']

Once you figure out what that black square belongs to, you can remove it by taking it out of the list above.

Source: Gnome Help

  • This sounds like the right answer (and something I didn't know you could do) so I'll mark it as the right one but the black square just disappeared again the next time I fired up the laptop so I have no idea what it was but thank you for the help anyway:)
    – Barra
    Dec 10, 2020 at 17:29

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