I work on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LT Gnome 3.36.3

As I'm left-handed I changed the mouse settings: Primary Button = Right.

So far, this worked fine.

Since yesterday I confronted with a weird effect. After logon, these settings seem to have no effect.

When I check the settings they are as indicated, but seem to take no effect. Only when I put the seetings to Primary Button = left and then back to Primary Button = Right

this start to work correctly.

it's the same effect as descibed in Primary button goes back to default on external mouse

Nevertheless the solution marked there does not work for me. I can execute the command direct in terminal or as shellscript - I performs with no error, but has no effect on stated problem.

Still I can't accept this nuissance. How the I correct this? Best would be to make the mouse settings permanent/sticky. Even if the script would work, it's a nogo to have to reset correct settings value 50-100 times during a day of work.


1 Answer 1


gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.mouse left-handed true

On 20.04, the effect is immediate and persists through reboots....

I also run MATE 20.04:
on MATE gsettings set org.mate.peripherals-mouse left-handed true

(man this was so annoying to test!!! so sorry, to you folks that have to live with this bodily malfunction)

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