Ok, following the directions here : https://kifarunix.com/install-and-setup-backuppc-server-on-ubuntu-20-04/

I get all the way down to the "Install backuppc on Ubuntu 20.04"

while in the directory backuppc...

Generate the latest release BackupPC tarball from the source file and BackupPC build tools;

VER=curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/backuppc/backuppc/releases/latest" | grep '"tag_name":' | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/'

Then I try this

./makeDist --nosyntaxCheck --releasedate "date -u "+%d %b %Y"" --version $VER

Error I get below :

Option version requires an argument

usage: ./makeDist [--nolangCheck] [--nosyntaxCheck] [--releasedate 'DD MMM YYYY'] --version X.Y.Z

It acts like it wants a date ? But I can't get anything to work with it?

It should create BackupPC tarball and store is under dist directory in the current working directory as, dist/BackupPC-4.3.2.tar.gz.

Never happens. What in that last code looks wrong, or what am I missing ?

Many thanks in advance !!

1 Answer 1


Your ./makeDist command is failing due to a --releasedate date formatting problem.

You have:

./makeDist --nosyntaxCheck --releasedate "date -u "+%d %b %Y"" --version $VER

So use this:

./makeDist --nosyntaxCheck --releasedate $(date -u '+%d %b %Y') --version $VER

Or this:

./makeDist --nosyntaxCheck --releasedate '30 Jun 2020' --version $VER
  • Ahhhh, you are a genius ! That did the trick !
    – Eric P
    Jun 30, 2020 at 18:12
  • 2nd one got it for me ; ./makeDist --nosyntaxCheck --releasedate '30 Jun 2020' --version 4.3.2
    – Eric P
    Jun 30, 2020 at 18:17
  • 1
    @EricP Great! Please remember to accept my answer. Thanks!
    – heynnema
    Jun 30, 2020 at 18:19

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