I am pretty new with Ubuntu as the Windows subsystem. I've been trying to run the ROOT data analysis framework (change its path to make it available permanently) but for some reason is not working as it should. Any help will be appreciated!

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


The documentation here states that the following command will set up your environment:

source root/bin/thisroot.sh 

To avoid having to source thisroot.sh every time one needs to use ROOT, it is typical to add the instruction to .bashrc, .profile or analogous configuration files. Note, however, that sourcing thisroot.sh might interfere with ROOT versions installed with different methods.

Edit the existing .bashrc file in your home directory with an editor such as vim or nano, and add the line shown above at the end of the file to source the environment file. Be sure that the path to the thisroot.sh file is correct for your installation. After doing this, logout of the system. Subsequent logins will run the thisroot.sh file automatically without manual intervention.

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