On an ubuntu 20.04. machine I have installed maas via

sudo snap install maas

and initiated it with the default configurations through

sudo maas init

As I only have a region controller, I selected "add a rack controller" in the dashboard/controllers, where I am told to install the maas-rack-controller package with the apt package manager and then do

sudo maas-rack register --url http://localhost:5240/MAAS --secret XXXXXXXXXX

However, I get error:

sudo: maas-rack: command not found

although the package has been properly installed.

Does anyone know what this could be due to ?

P.S.: This seems to work on bionic ...

2 Answers 2


sudo maas init

Controller has already been initialized. Are you sure you want to initialize again (yes/no) [default=no]? yes

Note: Configuring the MAAS snap in "all" mode will be deprecated in MAAS 2.8.0 and removed in 2.9.0.

See https://maas.io/deprecations/MD1 for details.

Mode (all/region+rack/region/rack/none) [default=all]? rack MAAS URL [default=]: http://IPyours:5240/MAAS Secret: Put the key from http://IPyours:5240/MAAS/#/controllers Add rack controller button


I ran into a same issue. You need to use

 sudo maas init rack --maas-url $MAAS_URL --secret $SECRET

instead of running sudo maas-rack

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