I have installed secondary 1TB HDD, Ext4 filesystem It is mounted as


"Automatic mount option" is ON in Disk manager.

But right after I logged in into my OS it is not accessible, path /media/USERNAME/ad36cba6-db56-478d-b820-e5cb1e316fc7/....

does not exist.

It becomes accessible ONLY after I get into Files manager and click on its icon. Then path /media/USERNAME/ad36cba6-db56-478d-b820-e5cb1e316fc7/.... appearing in command line.

Is it possible to have this path accessible straight after login. Thank you.


1 Answer 1


Thanks to the @user535733 comment I've added my new hard drive to the /etc/fstab. I follower this article: https://www.maketecheasier.com/fstab-automount-hard-drive-linux/

How to make drive accessible right after sign in (log in )

  • Please don't ask a question inside the answer. If you want to add new information to the original question, then please edit the original question. If you have a new question please ask a new question.
    – user68186
    Apr 9, 2020 at 19:30
  • 1
    If it's correctly added in fstab it is accessible before you login.
    – xenoid
    Apr 9, 2020 at 19:52

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