Sorry.. completely new to linux so go easy.. and none of the .man threads seem to make any sense to me. I have downloaded the flashprint 3d software from flashforge and within the zip file (extracted within the download folder) is a single .man file. I have no idea how to run or install it, any help much appreciated.

  • What makes you think the software is for Ubuntu? Mar 23, 2020 at 15:43
  • 1
    software is for Linux, i just have ubuntu version
    – Nicholas
    Mar 23, 2020 at 15:50
  • It is unclear why you think it is for Ubuntu, there is no link to the download page. It's hard to help, given the limitations. Mar 23, 2020 at 16:11

2 Answers 2


I was able to install the .man file by simply changing the name of it from .man to .deb (I am running PopOS, which is largely based on Ubuntu.), and my system immediately recognized it as a Debian binary.

The way I figured this out was simply using the file command to determine the filetype.


There's a general guideline (or 'convention') in Linux that a .man file is a manual. The FlashPrint 3D folks have a different way, so it is not surprising you're asking for help. Here's how:

Go to the FlashPrint 3D Download Center.

Choose Software Download from the left side tabs. enter image description here

There are multiple different packages to download. Select the app you want. There will be multiple versions. Look for the version which is described as "Support System: Linux64" if you have Ubuntu 64-bit or "Support System: Linux 32 if you have a 32-bit version of Ubuntu. Click on its download button to the right.

enter image description here

A ZIP file will download. Extract the .tar file underneath the .man file in that ZIP file. There are two folders underneath . "a dot" which are etc and usr - each with subdirectories beneath them.

There's a PDF file with instructions under *usr\share\FlashPrint\doc* named Flashprint-UserGuide-en_US.pdf (plus versions for Taiwan and Mainland China, named appropriately). Follow those instructions, which vary according the the model of printer you have.

  • Hi K7AAY, thanks every so much for looking into this - i downloaded version 4.2 zip file but there is only a single .man file in it? Im not sure what you mean by extract the .tar file as I dont see it? I tried a lower version 4.1 linux64 and that had a .deb file..... thanks for ongoing support and patience, be great if i could sort this
    – Nicholas
    Mar 24, 2020 at 17:50
  • 1
    Extract the .tar file underneath the .man file in that ZIP file. There are compressed files and directories inside that .man file you need to unzip.
    – K7AAY
    Mar 24, 2020 at 17:59

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