How to solve the problem? The notifications extrude the screen.Anyone could help?

notifications extrude the screen

  • does anything in this answer help? askubuntu.com/questions/69047/…
    – fossfreedom
    Apr 8, 2012 at 8:48
  • they seem to be different notifify-osds, mine is gnome3's, your link is unity notify-osd. I thought this could be a bug, but I do not know where to report. There is no application called notification.
    – hgajshb
    Apr 8, 2012 at 9:10

1 Answer 1


There is a Tutorial that shows how to adjust the position of Notify Tweaking Notify-OSD, incl. GUI for Placement, all Ubuntus The default version of Notify-OSD still doesn't support any kind of configuration. So, this is an update on the available PPAs and the new features added to the patched versions of it. I will also show how to configure it, and introduce here a GUI to change its position I wrote earlier.

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